Three requirements for keeping pets
As the most popular member of modern family life, pets are widely sought after by people. In the process of getting along with pets, I gradually discover the infinite benefits that pets bring to humans. Modern life is fast-paced, the younger generation is under great pressure, and there is no time to spend time with their children, and the elderly also appear lonely and helpless. The emergence of “Ding Chong Tribe”, “Dink Tribe” and “Empty Nest Family” reflects the vicious circle of modern society from the side. It is undeniable that pets have brought benefits to humans in this environment. Pets have the advantages of cultivating children’s love and inspiring children’s sense of responsibility; they can satisfy the love of “dink” parents for “children”; they can ease the emotions of young people in complex social interactions; to a certain extent, they are for the parents’ “filial piety” “In order to alleviate the loneliness of the elderly”, he changed his children. But we can’t keep pets blindly, just for our own needs, regardless of pets’ emotions.
The first point is mentality: no matter what you do, you must pay attention to the mentality, which determines the success or failure of things. The same is true for pets. We can’t keep pets just for fashion and fun. From the moment you recognize your pet, it has been a member of your family life. You must pay special attention to its daily life. After all, pets are animals and need more care and care.
Be patient enough: When the pet comes to the new home, he thinks the owner has additional responsibilities. In addition to bringing joy to people, pets also bring a series of “worries.” In urban life, more people choose dogs as pets, one because of its loyalty, and the other because it is smart and easy to train. According to research, the IQ of a dog is equivalent to that of a 4-year-old child, and he is clever and smart. Dogs need to spend more energy in daily life. The first is the issue of cleanliness. Take a bath regularly in summer, take care of your long hair, and pay attention to household cleaning and nail trimming during the moulting season; the second is safety issues. Put on a muzzle before going out to prevent harm to those around you, and get vaccinated regularly every year; finally, the dog goes to the toilet. For the health of the family and the elegance of the family environment, the owner will teach the dog to go to the toilet correctly is a very troublesome process. Usually, it takes about a month to learn. This requires the owner to have enough patience.
Sufficient time: Dogs are animals that belong to nature, and it is their nature to be active and active. The owner must have enough time and energy to take care of them. Many people “sit back and relax” after buying their pets, especially young office workers, who rarely have time to spend time with their dogs. This is not conducive to the healthy growth of dogs. Dogs need to “communicate” with their owners, especially when they first enter a new home, they need special care. Therefore, keeping pets is not only to satisfy your own desires, but also to see if you have the conditions to keep pets. In order to give your dog a healthy growth environment, you must be cautious when buying.



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